Bitcoin Movie Review - Deep Web

So, yesterday, I’m having a nice healthy conversation on Facebook with some of my more geek-minded mates (H/T Jamie V. for the Aussie slang rip-off) about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general. The whole thing started around a post about a kid who, at 18 years old, is now a millionaire, having invested in bitcoin back when the coins were only US$12 a pop. At present, you’ll have to pay roughly US$2,300 to get your hands on a bitcoin.
I’ve been watching a number of Bitcoin documentaries and movies as of late. I figured that since I was investing the time to watch the movies, I may as well provide a review. As I complete each review, you’ll be able to navigate to them by clicking “My Take” in the table below.
One in twenty Americans have errors on their credit report so significant that the errors result in less favorable loan terms or outright rejection. From 2002 to 2005, I was one in twenty. My experience with a particular business was such that they were not dealing with me fairly. I owed them nothing but they placed a negative tradeline on my credit report. Pressed for time, I gave them money that I did not owe in order to bring the tradeline to close. My credit report, however, never reflected the payoff. I found myself in need of a service that did not exist; a service that gave me the power to ensure that my credit report tradelines reflected my payments. And having no other recourse, I set about creating Alekto.
The first thing that comes to mind when we learn that someone is late paying their bills is that they are irresponsible. However, when people pay their bills late in today’s economy, it is often due to circumstances beyond their control. They could be suffering the impacts of any number of macro- or microeconomic factors such as a weak economic recovery, shifts in the global economy, or an unforeseen medical emergency.
Those who expected the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Elizabeth Warren’s brainchild, to be a toothless regulator are either sorely disappointed or thoroughly amused, right now. The CFPB has been really busy over the last two (2) months (June - July 2015) fighting to protect consumer rights.
Why can you find me in the gym nearly every day of the week?
Like most guys, I want to look good. On the one hand, I can admit, it is pure vanity. On the other hand, it really is about being healthy and achieving longevity. Putting in work now will ensure that I maximize my quality of life in the later years.
At the end of TSF Pitch Day Spring 2013, Chris Heivly announced that TSF is rebranding and that moving forward it will be know as …wait for it …TSF.
My colleague, Peter Palmieri, just penned a blog post about Microsoft’s recent announcement that the Azure platform will offer extensive and familiar relational database features via SQL Data Services (SDS). In his post, Leveraging Skills, Peter discusses the fact that .NET developers will be able to leverage their existing SQL Server database skills when developing against the Azure platform.
It was once said back in the early ‘90s that “Client/server computing is a little like teenage sex – everyone talks about it, few actually do it, and even fewer do it right. Nevertheless many people believe client/server computing is the next major step in the evolution of corporate information systems.”
I can’t believe that I’m writing this. But I have to give credit where credit is due. I just called to check on an order that I placed with a while ago that hasn’t yet been delivered. My first reaction to the automated voice response was a negative one. I hate those things. Normally, […]
Code Contracts are very useful under any circumstance; however, they are particularly useful in helping distributed software development teams increase team efficiency, improve product quality, and mitigate against risks associated with team dispersion.
Software businesses that engage in offshore outsourcing face a number of risks. Of particular importance to the software architect, is the risk associated with the architectural fidelity of the company’s software products. Small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) and ISVs face greater levels of difficulty than do their large enterprise counterparts when it comes to managing […]
Hyundai has produced commercials to create awareness about its new Hyundai Assurance Program.
I don’t watch much television, so the fact that I’ve seen these commercial a few times is indicative of a strong marketing campaign.
When visiting its web site, Hyundai let’s you know that “WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK”. The Hyundai Assurance Program, in a nutshell, […]
The FACT Act requires that the FTC improve the accuracy of consumer records and make improvements in the use of, and consumer access to credit information. It says as much in the first paragraph.
The FTC has devised a methodology that requires experts and consumers to work together to audit CRAs for accuracy and completeness. It […]